About Us

Prince of Peace is a member congregation of the Northwest District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. Established in 1959, the congregation serves individuals and families who live in the South Puget Sound area.  

For over 50 years God's people have gathered here around Word and Sacraments to proclaim the Gospel — God's love for all demonstrated in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. All are welcome to share in this mission.

For details on finding us, visit our Contact Us page


What We Believe

The following is a summary of what we as a Lutheran congregation believe, teach and confess. In a world that is increasingly post-modern and as the church continues to adapt its teachings to meet the ever-changing whims of society, we take the time to give a clear, unchanging and substantial presentation of our beliefs.

A Summary of what Lutherans Believe by Dr. Samuel Nafzger here



Our Staff

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Rev. Paul E. Zeigler


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Office Manager

Dorothy Rogers



Sherri Thomas


Congregational Treasurer

Sherri Thomas




LaVonne Johnson



Jim Kelsey